ZBA Re-submission


On Feb 26, 2021, a Revised Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision application was submitted to the City of Toronto for 2150 Lake Shore, with revisions to the original Master Plan to align with key feedback from the City, as well as with policy directions emerging from the City’s draft Christie’s Secondary Plan. The submission materials are below for viewing and download. You can also view them on the City’s website.

Air Quality Impact Assessment: View Document

Arborist Report and Tree Preservation Plan: View Document

Basement Drawings: View Document

Civil Utilities Drawings Part 1 of 2: View Document

Civil Utilities Drawings Part 2 of 2: View Document

Cover Letter: View Document

Draft Plan of Subdivision: View Document

Energy Strategy Update Letter: View Document

Functional Servicing Report Part 1 of 3: View Document

Functional Servicing Report Part 2 of 3: View Document

Functional Servicing Report Part 3 of 3: View Document

Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Study Letter: View Document

Heritage Impact Assessment: View Document

Land Use Compatibility Study: View Document

Landscape Drawings: View Document

Master Plan & Planning  Rationale Addendum Part 1 of 2: View Document

Master Plan & Planning  Rationale Addendum Part 2 of 2: View Document

Masterplan Drawings Arch D Part 1 of 3: View Document

Masterplan Drawings Arch D Part 2 of 3: View Document

Masterplan Drawings Arch D Part 3 of 3: View Document

Natural Heritage & Environmental Impact Study: View Document

Noise & Vibration Impact Study: View Document

Official Plan Amendment: View Document

Pedestrian Wind Study: View Document

Project Data Sheet: View Document

Rail Safety Strategy: View Document

Resubmission Form: View Document

Shadow Study Part 1 of 2: View Document 

Shadow Study Part 2 of 2: View Document 

Stormwater Management Report: View Document

Toronto Green Standards Checklist: View Document

Toronto Green Standards Statistics Template: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 1 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 2 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 3 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 4 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 5 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 6 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 7 of 8: View Document

Transportation Impact Study Addendum Part 8 of 8: View Document

Zoning By-Law Amendment: View Document

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