Home » Street A EA
Street A EA
The City of Toronto has authorized Lakeshore Developments Inc. (LDI) to be the Proponent to undertake a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) for Street A, a proposed new public street and associated rail underpass between Park Lawn Road and Lake Shore Boulevard West in the City of Toronto.
The Street A EA Study Area is shown below.

The City of Toronto completed the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan (TMP) in July 2023, which identified Street A and the associated rail underpass as a Schedule C MCEA project. The TMP completed Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process. The Street A Schedule C EA Study will satisfy Phases 3 and 4 of the MCEA process.
The Street A EA Study is being undertaken following the “integrated approach” (outlined in Section A.2.9 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process) in co-ordination with the 2150 Lake Shore Blvd West Plan of Subdivision application (Application Numbers: 20 146488 WET 03 OZ, 20 146496 WET 03 SB, and 22 131744 WET 03 SA) on the former Christie Lands, in order to satisfy both Environmental Assessment Act and Planning Act requirements. Part of the land required for Street A extends beyond the boundaries of the Plan of Subdivision application and are needed to serve the proposed development.
The Street A EA Study will develop a detailed inventory of existing conditions, develop and evaluate street and underpass design alternatives, identify a preferred design alternative, assess potential impacts, and identify reasonable mitigation measures.

The City and LDI value the voices and opinions of community members and other interested parties, and are dedicated to having an open, transparent, accessible and inclusive dialogue with the public, stakeholders and Indigenous communities. Public consultation meetings provide the public with an opportunity to hear project updates, provide input and ask questions.
Two public consultation meetings have been held for the Street A MCEA.
The First public consultation meeting was held on June 22, 2023 to introduce the project, present three road design alternatives, and propose an evaluation framework. Feedback was received and incorporated into the evaluation and design process. Click here to view the presentation from the first public consultation meeting.
A second public consultation meeting was held on June 19, 2024 to present the evaluation of alternatives and the selection of a preferred alternative. A conceptual design of the preferred alternative was presented. Click here to view the presentation materials from the second public consultation meeting. Click here to view the preferred road design.
Get involved
Please submit any comments, questions or feedback at any time throughout the study. If you would like to be added to the EA Study email list to be kept informed of future consultation events, please provide your contact information here.
For any questions or concerns, please connect with the Project Manager or the City contact below:
Chris Sidlar, MCIP, RPP
Vice President, Transportation
LEA Consulting Ltd.
40 University Avenue, Suite 503
Toronto, ON M5J 1T1
Tel: 416-572-1791
Email: streetAEA@2150lakeshore.com
David J. Hunter, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager, Major Projects
Transportation Services, City of Toronto
100 Queen Street West (City Hall, Floor 22E)
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Tel: 437-779-7386
Email: David.J.Hunter@toronto.ca
Information is being collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.