The vision for 2150 Lake Shore is a vibrant, mixed-use and transit-oriented redevelopment.
The Master Plan, submitted as part of our Official Plan Amendment (OPA) Application in October of 2019, proposed a new Park Lawn GO Station, related TTC transit improvements, a network of new streets and connections, a range of new open spaces including a new public park, and a diverse mix of residential, retail, service, entertainment and employment uses.
On May 19, 2020, a Revised Official Plan Amendment, a new Zoning-By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications were submitted to the City with revisions and upgrades to the original Master Plan. Highlights of key changes include:
- A larger park, which is now twice as large as the original park plan;
- The potential for two elementary schools. TDSB and TCDSB have expressed interest in incorporating new elementary schools into the master plan;
- More office space, bringing employment uses into the heart of the site;
- A better pedestrian experience along Park Lawn and Lake Shore with a new pedestrian-scaled streetwall;
- Extending Station Square to Park Lawn: improvements have been made to enhance pedestrian connectivity to the GO station and to accommodate bus activity along Park Lawn Road so your transit experience is even better than before.