Community Engagement

Public engagement is a key part of our planning process. It allows our team to understand community values, concerns and aspirations for the future of the site and provides a means for an open stream of communication to continue through all phases. Community feedback, existing property conditions and constraints, developer aspirations and applicable planning policies will all be considered in the design of our Development Master Plan.


As part of the plans for 2150 Lake Shore, a GO Station has been proposed and will require the completion of a TPAP which has officially commenced. Due to COVID-19, First Capital is hosting the second Public Meeting for this process online from August 27 – September 10, 2021, which includes a virtual presentation to inform the community regarding potential impacts, proposed mitigation measures and monitoring requirements associated with the Project as a result of the impact assessment.


On May 28, 2020, First Capital hosted a Virtual Town Hall, which included:

  • A presentation on the revised Master Plan and key upgrades delivering community benefits
  • An update on the transportation and mobility plans for 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W
  • A live Q&A and update on the planning process

Missed the meeting? See the presentation by watching the recorded video here.

If you’re interested in learning more about transit, this short video explains the proposed mobility plans for 2150 Lake Shore Blvd W.

Our platform has now closed. Questions & Answers have been posted online at this link


On November 12, 2019, the City of Toronto hosted a public consultation meeting for the community to learn more about First Capital’s Official Plan Amendment Application (OPA) for the redevelopment of 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W. This public consultation included:

  • A review of the Secondary Planning Process by the City of Toronto;
  • Presentations by the First Capital Project Team on the OPA submission, including the proposed transit plans for the area;
  • Breakout stations for the community to provide their thoughts and share feedback on key themes;
  • An opportunity to ask questions and speak with City of Toronto staff and the First Capital Project Team.

Missed it? View First Capital’s consultation boards here

View of 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W. looking east


On November 21, 2018, First Capital hosted Idea Fair #2 to:
  • Introduce Master Planners and Morrison to the community
  • Allow for attendees to share ideas around re-imagining 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W. as the new dynamic heart of Humber Bay Shores.
View the full presentation by clicking here; or review First Capital display boards and Allies and Morrison consultation materials from the event. Missed the event? Watch the highlight reel below.



On February 6, 2018, First Capital held an Idea Fair to:

  • Share preliminary thoughts and concepts for the redevelopment of the Mr. Christie site
  • Meet the community and gather feedback
  • Provide an opportunity for the community to learn about First Capital and the vision for this new community at Humber Bay Shores​
2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Idea Fair #1


Feedback was gathered, with key themes including:

  • A transit hub
  • Retail & services
  • Community amenity space
  • A mixed-use community

Commentary will be incorporated into the development plans before a development application is submitted to the City of Toronto. See what you missed by viewing our display boards here.

600 attendees

178 comments forms received

7-day comment period

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